capsule wardrobeA capsule wardrobe is a smaller set of clothes that have been especially chosen. Here is my current fall capsule wardrobe.

I’ve heard that the average person wears 20% of their clothes, 80% of the time. That means that there are certain items you gravitate towards, or feel comfortable wearing. The rest sits there, maybe because it doesn’t fit properly, is worn, or simply isn’t a favourite. Carefully choose what goes into your closet and then you’ll end up liking all the outfits you have. When all the items are things that you like to wear, you’ll hopefully never have the problem of ‘having nothing to wear’. That’s the beauty of a smaller wardrobe.

Benefits of having a capsule wardrobe:

Less stress: Take less time to choose outfits and get dressed. It’s easier to get dressed in the morning when everything goes together, and you don’t have to hunt through drawers and closets.

Less clutter: Having fewer items in your closet will make it easier to clean, organize, and find what you’re looking for.

Feel great: When everything you own are your favourites, you’re sure to feel comfortable and confident when it comes to your clothes. Think about presenting yourself well every day, and do it for you!

Tips for choosing capsule wardrobe pieces:

Neutral and basic pieces: Choose a couple neutral pieces for core items. This could be black, white, or grey. For example, perhaps a classic shirt, or a plain white t-shirt. Find neutrals that you like best and add them as a base.

Based on needs: Your wardrobe should reflect your needs and how you spend your day. This will be different for everyone depending on where you work, what you do during the week, and where you like to go on your time off.

Layering: Select items of clothing that can be layered with each other, and then you can move from one season to the next and still be comfortable. This is even helpful for changes in temperature throughout the day.

Mix and match: Create more outfits with a small number of clothes by mixing and matching tops and bottoms.

Accent colours: Add your personal touch to the wardrobe by adding your own favourite accent colours and accessories. If you choose a few colours that go together, you’ll have even more things to mix and match.

Investment pieces: Move slowly if you’re creating a capsule wardrobe for the first time. Work with what you have, and then slowly add or replace items as you discover what you need and like the most. Learn to shop for quality over quantity. I like investing in shoes and coats, and therefore they will last me several seasons.

Help for creating a capsule wardrobe.

If you feel completely stuck, I would recommend any of these wonderful ladies. They all have great advice for finding your own personal style, and creating a capsule wardrobe:

Project 333 by Courtney Carver at Be More With Less.

This is where I first learned about capsule wardrobes. The basic rule behind this project is to have 33 items in your wardrobe. This includes clothing, accessories, jewellery, outerwear and shoes – everything that you’ll be wearing for a 3 month period. Things that aren’t included in the 33 items are: wedding ring or sentimental piece of jewellery that you never take off, underwear, pyjamas, or work out clothing.

Melissa from The Mind Palace Podcast.

She can help you curate your wardrobe and “help you cultivate a capsule wardrobe and unlock your natural beauty through de-cluttering, self-care, and minimalism.” She will help you look past the quickly passing trends of fast fashion, and help you cultivate and discover your own unique style. You can also listen to their podcast episode called ‘Capsule Wardrobe’.

Light By Coco.

She has great examples of capsule wardrobes for different seasons, along with explanations of why she included each item. She tries to ‘live light’ and explains, “I love seeing whether I can live life with only the things that really matter to me, no excess or clutter, just what’s important.”

Are you looking to create a Kids Capsule Wardrobe? Check out Project 333 For Kids to make a small wardrobe for your kids too!

Have fun creating your own capsule wardrobe and message me with any questions or comments. Sign up for the Simple Adventure newsletter to receive more blog posts about how to have less stuff and more life! Or join our facebook page here.

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