As I begin this blog, I’ve been thinking a lot about the message I want to share, and the things I want to write about:

Less Stuff. More Life.

I’m just figuring this out as I go; learning lessons about how to live with less stuff, and how to live more fully! I’ve always been someone who has been afraid of failure… especially the first time I try something new. Although I’m not sure where this blog is going to take me, I *am* sure that this is a message that I’m passionate about sharing. I believe simple living has so many benefits, and most of all I believe that I need to put people ahead of things in my life. I especially hope to grow in community and meet other people who are on this same journey- although our experiences and everyday lives may look very different.

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” 

-Francis Chan

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