“The less we have, the more we give. Seems absurd, but it’s the logic of love.”
-Mother Teresa
What is minimalism?
Minimalism is about intentionally removing the excess from our lives in order to be able to focus on what’s most important.
Welcome! My name is Clare, and this blog is about my family’s adventure in simplicity, and how a simple life allows us to have less stuff and more life! Follow our journey here to read about our own personal experiences, and why we strive to live a more simple, meaningful life. Explore the benefits of being minimalist. There are posts on the benefits we’ve experienced by living a minimalist lifestyle, and also some advice on how to help simplify your life.
Can you be minimalist with a family?
Yes, definitely! I’m 28 years old and I live with my husband and our two daughters in Ontario, Canada. Over the last 10 years I’ve made an effort to live a more minimalist lifestyle… and during that time I got married and became a mom to two beautiful girls. I’m here to tell you that living simplicity and minimalism in a family can be difficult… but it’s not impossible! And although there are challenges, there are many more benefits to simplifying your home, slowing down, and living intentionally. You can teach your kids about being minimalist, and watch them experience the benefits. They might even teach you some things about simple living! We definitely don’t have all the answers, but we’d love for you to join us on our adventure and to share in some of the lessons we learn along the way.
What is a simple adventure?
We have found that letting go of the clutter and excess has allowed us to focus on more important things in life. Our simple adventures are stories of the benefits and new experiences we’ve had as a result of becoming minimalist. Follow along on all our simple adventures -both big and small- and discover how living with less stuff has opened doors to experiencing wonderful new things as a family.
How can I become part of this community?
I’m so happy you’re here and can’t wait to hear from you. If you find value in this blog, please share it with others! Share our posts on facebook and sign up for our newsletter to receive updates! Please contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions for blog posts!