Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 29. Turn the hangers around, and purge items in your closet.
It’s been 4 weeks since you turned the hangers around in your closet. We’ve gone through the closet at the beginning, but here’s one more chance to remove more items. Anything that hasn’t been turned around means that it hasn’t been worn in the last month and you probably won’t miss it! Do one last purge and enjoy your smaller and intentionally chosen wardrobe!
New Year’s Resolution: Declutter Your Life
Every day in January, there will be a short post with one area to minimize and declutter. There will be tips and tricks, encouraging articles to read, and some advice on how to proceed. Each image and challenge will also be on the Simple Adventure facebook page. Or you can join the facebook group: Declutter You Life for encouragement throughout January. If you want a place to ask questions, share your triumphs, or post your decluttered area, then comment and join the conversation on that day’s post!
You can also sign up for the Simple Adventure Newsletter to receive updates every few weeks. I’ll send you my favourite articles since the last newsletter.
Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 28. Storage. The dreaded storage or basement! Things that haven't been used in a long time and are collecting dust. As someone in the facebook group said, 'the place where household items go to die'... Examine what you really need and let go of the rest. We often...
Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 27. Sentimental items. Sentimental items might be the hardest category to go through and minimize. Recognize your emotions and memories associated with an item, and give yourself permission to let go of the physical object. If it brings memories of a loved one or...
Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 26. Living room and home decor. Hopefully you've removed some clutter of magazines or newspapers when we eliminated paper clutter. Take this opportunity to declutter the coffee table, end tables, or re-evaluate what is truly beautiful and useful in your living...
Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 25. Declutter online. Now that you've had a day of reducing screen time (Day 11), consider what you might eliminate completely. Or perhaps there are ways you could reduce online distractions. For example, whether it's email, social media, or news feeds - consider...
Today’s Area To Declutter
Day 24. Holiday decorations. Go through your holiday decorations and try to identify what you really love. What makes you happy and really brings you joy to use? You might end up with a smaller collection for each holiday. Or you might only keep decorations for your...