Day 25. Declutter online.

Now that you’ve had a day of reducing screen time (Day 11), consider what you might eliminate completely. Or perhaps there are ways you could reduce online distractions. For example, whether it’s email, social media, or news feeds – consider unfollowing things that don’t bring joy or value to your life. Perhaps you could create set times during the day to check email and social media. Read about these 5 Areas of Life To Simplify including #2 on the list (Social Media) and #3 (Screen Time).

Become intentional about the online conversations you have, and the things you follow during the day. See if there is anything you want to ‘declutter’ online by the end of today, or if you want to set boundaries around your time spent online.

New Year’s Resolution: Declutter Your Life

Every day in January, there will be a short post with one area to minimize and declutter. There will be tips and tricks, encouraging articles to read, and some advice on how to proceed. Each image and challenge will also be on the Simple Adventure facebook page. Or you can join the facebook group: Declutter You Life for encouragement throughout January. If you want a place to ask questions, share your triumphs, or post your decluttered area, then comment and join the conversation on that day’s post!

You can also sign up for the Simple Adventure Newsletter to receive updates every few weeks. I’ll send you my favourite articles since the last newsletter.

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