phone distractions

Constant distractions.

How many of us check our phone first thing in the morning? Or automatically stop what we’re doing to reach for the phone at the sound of a notification, text message or call? We tend to be busy throughout the day with many things competing for our attention; running from one thing to the next and feeling that we’re always busy… but busy with what? There are pros and cons to many things in life, and technology is no exception. We carry phones in our pockets, can have instant access to the internet, and keep up with everything happening on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Reddit all while running the copious other errands and tasks that fill the day. While it’s great to have technology at our fingertips and be able to send a text or email immediately, does it mean that we should?

Think about it… and try to answer this question honestly for yourself: How often do you check your phone everyday?

A study revealed that the average person (aged 18-33) checks their phone 85 times every day. That number is about double what most people had guessed. It’s also known that technology can adversely affect sleep, interpersonal relationships and attention levels.

Does your phone create a false sense of urgency?

I think we often experience a false sense of urgency when we hear a notification or text message- does it really need to be attended to right at that second? What if we turned off notifications? Or went without data? Or let a call go to voicemail rather than interrupt the conversation we’re having with someone in the moment. Or put the phone down to enjoy a walk outside, dinner with a friend, or a game with our family. Perhaps the day would be more peaceful, less stressful, and less cluttered. Most things would probably continue to be read/answered/attended to…. but maybe not right away.

What if we could go through the day with no distraction? Fully present for what is happening in that moment.

“You need to develop the ability to just be yourself and not be doing something, that’s what the phones are taking away. The ability to just sit there, that’s a person.”

-Louis C.K.

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